korea epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery

This is before and after magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery

This man had strong Mogolian fold and therefore his inner corner was tilted and closed.
His folds of on the right eye (left on the photo) is more robust and gives more riveting look.

His Mongolian fold is dragged down very strongly and this is the most difficult case to do epicnthoplasty.

Inner corner of the eyes can go back to natural and horizontal way, when the tension surrounding inner corner skin and strong fibrous band are all relesed.

In this specific case, muscle of inner corner is severely directed downward and can cause more complicated operation.

Epicanthic eyes, head broken off in the direction of the medial canthal ligament is severely down if the preoperative appearance that looks like the eye above, and if, in some cases, the medial canthal ligament, including the intricately molded to be.

The direction of inner corner of the eyes and the level and amount of Mongolian fold is very various. So in order to get the best result from surgery, close diagnosis of the mongolian fold and the double eyelid line and the bone structure before the operation is very important.

Epicanthoplasty cannot be performed in the same way to everyone because every eye has its own originality. So the operation should be held by a surgeon who has delicate surgical technique and lots of experience.

M.epi is not just cutting out some specific part of your eyes.
It’s purpose is to make the make condition of your eyes by releasing the tensions step by step untill your eye is close to your ideal.

So since Magic epicanthoplasty is such a delicate operation this takes around an hour and can even take more than 1hour and a half.
-Teuim  Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic - Dr.Kwon

e-malil : paris85@naver.com

epicanthoplasty korea

Would it be right to only take the Magic epicanthoplasty, or should I have to take it with the double eyelid surgery?
Although Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery require different procedures and are both different surgeries but, undertaking both can give you great results. You must be noted that the heads of your eyes have Mongolian folds so the eyelid forming a double eyelid is a continuous unit of skin.
Magic epicanthoplasty can be also performed either to the innate double eyelid or to the surgically made double eyelid. In this case, partial correction of the line near the epicanthal angle(corner) can be required to expose the double eyelid more clearly.  
Magic epicanthoplasty is also possible to be performed on a single eyelid, and if needed, the double eyelid operation can be done later. However, in most cases of a single eyelid, these two combined surgeries are recommended.
Magic epicanthoplasty is a definite method that can make the effective lengthening of eyes in a horizontal plane. Considering the relationship between Mongolian folds and double eye lids, these two combined procedures can be a better choice to express dramatic results.

Example) A case showing awkward double eyelid lines when only undertaken an out-folder type double eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty previously.
Magic epicanthoplasty combined with partial correction of inner double eyelid line can create high completion of continuous line at the inner corner region.

Example) A case showing asymmetric and faded double eyelid lines when only undertaken an in-folder type double eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty previously. 
Magic epicanthoplasty combined with revisional double eyelid surgery can create high completion of continuous line at the inner corner region.

Example) Magic epicanthoplasty combined with a revisional double eyelid surgery in a patient having severe Mongolian folds.


Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon

Revisional double eyelid surgery

Understanding the revisional double eyelid surgery 

Example) A case where both a revisional double eyelid surgery , lateral canthoplasty and the Magic epicanthoplasty are done to make them refined and structurally harmonized.
The revisional eyelid surgery is the most common  revision surgery . As other common plastic surgeries, it is taken because of the unsatisfied outcome of the patient. So, the first surgery has to be done very prudently. And when considering a reoperation, the eyes have to be treated exceptionally carefully. And enough consultations should be taken. Depending on the type of surgery, the surgical methods and the recovery conditions differ.
Classifications for the reoperation of the double eyelid
There are two reasons people having their double eyelids reoperated. 1) When the patient may not be satisfied with his/her look, a subjective matter. 2) When it is needed to take the reoperation from an objective point of view.
1. Awkward looking eyes
Awkward and unnatural eyes give a feeling of huge discomfort. This usually is caused by very poor surgical techniques and ignoring the anatomical structure of the patients’ eyes. It needs to be corrected, and the remaining Mongolian fold is mainly the other critical reason for it. The Magic epicanthoplasty with a double eyelid reoperation may be needed at the same time.

Example) A case where only the Magic epicanthoplasty is done on the awkward looking out-folder line to make them refined especially in inner corner region.

Example) A case where a revisional double eyelid surgery is done to make them refined especially inner corner region.

Example) A case where both a revisional double eyelid surgery and the Magic epicanthoplasty are done to make them refined and structurally harmonized.
Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon

e-mail : paris85@naver.com

double eyelid surgery teuim clinic

<teuim clinic>Out folder double eyelid 

Parallel double eyelid line is a form of double eyelid that the lines start apart from inner corner of the eyes and the width of the lines remains constant to the outer corner.This type of double eye lid line is shown among Caucasians, who have high forehead and depressed orbital structure compared to her nose, and have no Mongolian fold.

For Asians to make proper out folder(parallel) double eyelid, epicanthoplasty is necessary.
Asians have different orbital structure therefore; out folder line may seem awkward even with epicanthoplasty if she doesn’t have skeletal structure close to Caucasians.

When double eyelid surgery is performed to make large parallel double eyelid without epicanthoplasty ,  most likely to show severe swelling prolonged and eventually become awkward and strained eyes.
Above is a case, is patient who underwent  Magic epicanthoplasty and incision double eyelid surgery to form structurally stable parallel line double eyelid.

There may be limits to your eyes to make out folder double eyelid if you are Asian so contemplate consultation and understanding is needed before the surgery.

Typically, if you have good eye opening power with protruding eyeball with weak Monoglian fold, it is easier to make out eye double eyelid.
-Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic - Dr.Kwon

Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic dr.kwon

<teuim clinic>magic epi, and inner corner correction

This patient visited Teuim to improve double eye lie line from past surgery.
Her double eyelid line was designed higher than the Mogolian fold’s tension line so her lines have faded away in her inner corner eyes and is covered by Mogolian fold.

After Magic epicanthoplasty the tension of Mongolian fold is released and inner corner double eyelid line is fixed so that the line is clear. Due to epicantho plasty bulging skin at her inner corner eye is now flat and natural.

In this case, the double eyelid line before surgery looked like it was out folder style but actually it just appeared to be one because inner corner was covered by Mongolian fold.
Usually, in-out line or outline is represented with some adequate improvement of Mongolian fold by epicanthoplasty.

In other words, the size of the double eyelid line or curve stays the same, but as the inner corner gets longer, the starting point of double eyelid line meets the starting point of the eyes and the in-out line is represented.
Many people often think that double eye lid surgery revision should be operated when one is not satisfied with somewhat awkward out line double eyelid. If the awkwardness is severe and needs ptosis correction is also required , the revision with epicanthoplasty may be necessary. However, partial double eyelid correction and magic epicanthoplasty cas be enough to make more natural and beautiful eyes.
Usually people with severe Mongolian fold should go under combined surgery which includeds epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery to change the structure of their eyes to make relatively high lined out- line double eyelid.

-Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic - Dr.Kwon

epicanthoplasty korea clinic

<teuim clinic>M.epi and non-incisional ptosis correction
This patient obtained brighter and softer eyes after magic epicanthoplasty and non-incisional ptosis correction.
She had done ptosis correction at other clinic 2 years ago, but the result was disappointing.
Befor surgery, her mongolian fold was very tight so her epicanthic skin dragged down, making her head of Mongolian fold and inner corner of the eyes direct downward.

Her eyes look blurry due to the lack of pupil reveal and tilted inner corner.

Inner corner plastic surgery was added to Magic epicanthoplasty in order to recover inner eye lines as horizontal as possible.. Non-incision method was used to make vivid and smooth eye lines shaped like the curve of the half moon.

Her eyes are now more smooth and clear after ptosis correction and Magic epicanthoplasty which helped her eye opening power mucle rebalance.
Magic epicanthoplasty can be a great help for people who’s Mongolian fold have strong vertical tension.
Above case shows the effect of these magic epicanthoplasty and non-incisional ptosis correction combined together. 
-Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic - Dr.Kwon

졸린눈을 해결하는 비절개눈매교정은 트임성형외과

졸린눈을 해결하는 비절개눈매교정은 트임성형외과
2년전에 타원에서 눈매교정을 했지만 충분한 효과가 없고 눈머리의 노출량 부족으로 인해 흐릿한 눈빛을 보이며 졸린눈을 보이고  있습니다. 몽고주름의 긴장력을 풀어주는 매직앞트임을 시술하면서 눈머리의 아이라인을 최대한 수평으로 복구하기 위해
내안각 성형술도 일부 적용하였습니다.

과거에 절개법으로 쌍꺼풀을 했지만 눈동자의 노출량 부족으로 졸린눈을 보이는 안검하수였습니다.비절개눈매교정으로 눈동자의 세로노출량이 증가하여 전체적으로 시원한 눈매가 되었습니다.

경도의 안검하수가 있어 동공의 세로노출량 부족으로 눈이 답답해보이고 졸린눈으로 보입니다.몽고주름을 개선하는 매직앞트임을 시술하였고 비절개눈매교정으로 가능한 눈매를 선명하게 하였습니다


경도의 안검하수가 있어 동공의 세로 노출량이 부족하여 졸린눈으로 보이며 흐릿한 인상을 주고있습니다.몽고주름을 개선하는 매직앞트임을 시술하였고 졸린눈 개선을 위해 비절개눈매교정으로 가능한 눈매를 선명하게 하였습니다.

경도의 안검하수로 인해 눈이 피곤해 보이고 흐릿한 눈빛을 보이고 있으며 지방부족으로 쌍꺼풀이 비대칭입니다.몽고주름을 개선하는 매직앞트임을 시술하였고 비절개눈매교정으로 쌍꺼풀라인을 좀더 크게 표현하여 가능한 눈매를 선명하게 교정하였으며 지방이식으로 양쪽눈의 차이를 최소화 하였습니다.

졸린눈을 해결하는 비절개눈매교정은

단순히 쳐진 눈꺼풀로 눈동자가 가려지는 경우는 쌍꺼풀수술로만으로도 충분한 노출이 가능합니다.추가적인 시술이 없요 없으나 눈매교정이 필요한 경우로 오진되는 경우가 종종 있으며 실제로 쌍꺼풀수술시에 눈매교정이 꼭
필요한 경우는 많지 않습니다. 정확한 평가후에 시술여부를 결정해야 과교정으로 인한 부작용을 피할 수있습니다.
매몰된 봉합사에 의한 눈올림근의 길이가 단축되어 눈매교정의효과를 얻는 만큼 수술후 3-4주간은 눈을 비비지 않는 것이 좋으며 라식라섹 등의 수술을 받은 경우라면 2개월정도 충분한 시간이 지난뒤에 시술을 받는것이 좋습니다.

-트임성형외과 dr.권봉식-
<이 블로그의 사진은 트임성형외과 권봉식원장님께서 직접 시술하신 전후사진입니다>

눈매교정재수술은 트임성형외과

쌍꺼풀수술은 눈을 뜨는 근육인 상안검거근이 눈꺼풀을 당겨주면서 만들어 지는 것입니다.
안검하수가 있는 눈의 경우 눈뜨는 힘의 부족으로 쌍꺼풀이 제대로 접히지 않게되어 눈을 뜨는 힘이 약한 경우는 쌍꺼풀수술만 하는것이 아니라 반드시 안검하수교정인 눈매교정이 동반되어야 합니다.

눈매교정을 포함한 쌍꺼풀재수술사례입니다

세번의 쌍꺼풀수술을 하고 한번의 눈매교정수술을 했지만 만족스럽지 못한 결과로 인해 트임성형외과에 내원하였습니다.
눈매교정을 하였지만 짝짝이 눈이였고 불완전하게 교정된 상태였으며 쏘세지 쌍꺼풀현상이 심하고 삼백안 현상도
있었습니다. 쌍꺼풀재수술을 포함한 눈매교정과 매직앞트임을 복합적으로 시행하여 눈머리가 노출되고 미간의 거리가 감소하였고
두껍던 쏘세지 쌍꺼풀을 감소시켜 눈매가 자연스러워 보입니다.눈을 뜨는 힘이 정상화 되어 수술전에 동공 아래쪽으로 노출되던
흰자위가(삼백안현상)더이상 보이지 않게된것을 볼 수 있습니다.

매직앞트임과 눈매교정을 포함한 쌍꺼풀재수술로 눈매를 교정하였습니다.
수술전에 약해진 비대칭의 작은 쌍꺼풀라인을 보이고 있으며 매직앞트임을 통해 몽고주름의 긴장력을 풀어주고 보다 선명하고
커진 쌍꺼풀라인을 형성하여 전체적으로 눈매가 또렷하고 선명해졌습니다.
눈머리의 몽고주름과 쌍꺼풀은 있지만 약간 졸릴눈매로 선명하지 못한 흐릿한 눈빛으로 매력적이지 못한 눈매를 보이고 있습니다.
눈빛을 선명하게 하는 눈매교정을 포함한 쌍꺼풀재수술을 하였고 눈머리의 몽고주름을 개선하는 매직앞트임으로 수술전보다
세련되고 매력적인 눈매를 보입니다. 눈동자의 노출량이증가하면서 보다 또렷한 눈매가 되었습니다.

내원하기 5년전에 절개법쌍꺼풀수술을 한 경우로 높은 쌍꺼풀라인과 눈을 감았을때 패인 흉터,눈이 선명하게 떠지지 않는 안검하수를
개선하기 위해서 트임성형외과에 내원하였습니다.
몽고주름위로 생긴 쌍꺼풀라인이 절개법으로 강하게 유착되어 쏘세지 쌍꺼풀을 형성하였고 이분의 경우는 라인을 크게 하고자 했다면
앞트임을 시술했어여 합니다. 앞트임이 동반되지 않은 높은 라인은 쏘세지쌍꺼풀과 안검하수를 유발하게됩니다.
눈매교정을 포함한 쌍꺼풀재수술과 매직앞트임을 시술하였으며 보다 자연스럽고 선명한 눈매로 개선되었습니다.

-트임성형외과 dr.권봉식-

double eyelid surgery in korea

<teuim clinic>Unbalance
This is before and after magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery

This man had strong Mogolian fold and therefore his inner corner was tilted and closed.
His folds of on the right eye (left on the photo) is more robust and gives more riveting look.

His Mongolian fold is dragged down very strongly and this is the most difficult case to do epicnthoplasty.

Inner corner of the eyes can go back to natural and horizontal way, when the tension surrounding inner corner skin and strong fibrous band are all relesed.

In this specific case, muscle of inner corner is severely directed downward and can cause more complicated operation.

Epicanthic eyes, head broken off in the direction of the medial canthal ligament is severely down if the preoperative appearance that looks like the eye above, and if, in some cases, the medial canthal ligament, including the intricately molded to be.

The direction of inner corner of the eyes and the level and amount of Mongolian fold is very various. So in order to get the best result from surgery, close diagnosis of the mongolian fold and the double eyelid line and the bone structure before the operation is very important.

Epicanthoplasty cannot be performed in the same way to everyone because every eye has its own originality. So the operation should be held by a surgeon who has delicate surgical technique and lots of experience.

M.epi is not just cutting out some specific part of your eyes.
It’s purpose is to make the make condition of your eyes by releasing the tensions step by step untill your eye is close to your ideal.

So since Magic epicanthoplasty is such a delicate operation this takes around an hour and can even take more than 1hour and a half.
-Teuim Aesthetic plastic surgery clinic - Dr.Kwon

Teuim clinic Dr. Kwon Bongsik

Kwon Bongsik, M. D. 

Representative doctor of Teuim aesthetic plastic surgical clinic  

> Graduate of the Medical school, Korea University,
Seoul, Korea
> OPD Vice-Professor of Ewha Womans University,
Seoul, Korea
> Board-Certified Surgeon of the Korean Society of Plastic
and Reconstructive Surgery
> Active Member of the Korean Society of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
> Active Member of the Korean Society for
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
> Active Member of the Korean Cleft
Plate-Craniofacial Surgery
> Active Member of the Korean Association of
Clinical Plastic Surgery
> Active Member of the IPRAS
(International Confederation for Plastic,
Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery)  


Articles of  Kwon Bongsik, M. D. >
Corrective epicanthoplasty in patients with unnatural results of prior epicanthoplasty.
Annals of Plast Surg
Biometric Study of Eyelid Shape and Dimensions of Different Races with References to Beauty.
Aesthetic Plast Surg.
Clinical significance of epicanthoplasty  in Asian eye.
World congress of minimal invasive plastic surgery & dermatlogy 

Clinical significance of relationship between epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery
Annual meeting of Korean society of plastic and reconstructive surgeons
Prevention of medial hypertrophic scar after blepharoplasty
 Congress of the Korean society fot aethetic plastic surgery 2013