앞트임으로 변화되는 내눈을 확인!

Epicanthoplasty -앞트임은?

눈머리쪽을 가리는 몽고주름을 제거하는 앞트임은 눈의 가려진 부분 즉,원래 가지고 있던 눈머리를 온전하게 노출시키고 자연스럽게 눈이 보다
커보이도록 하는 수술입니다. 쌍꺼풀수술과 병행하면 실제 눈의 길이가 길어지면서 양미간의 폭이 좁아질 수 있고 몽고주름의 개선으로 인해서
부드럽고 매력적인 인상으로 변화할 수 있습니다.

매직앞트임은  예전의 앞트임수술법과는 달리 몽고주름의 직적접인 원인이 되는 구조물에 대한 조작을 통해서 몽고주름의 긴장력을 개선한후
몽고주름의 긴장력으로 발생한 이차적인 섬유화된 밴드조직을 풀어주는 방법으로 눈머리 내안각을 원래의 모앵대로 자연스럽게 정위시키는
수술입니다. 매직앞트임은 몽고주름의 형태외에로 조화를 이루는 쌍꺼풀과의 관계로 인해서 많은 경험과 섬세한 술기를 필요로 합니다.

매직앞트임과 기존 앞트임수술법의 다른점

기존의 앞트임수술은 단순하게 절제해내는 방법으로 Z성형술 등 수술방법은 매우 다양하지만 눈머리 피부 일부를 잘라내고 봉합한다는 큰 틀에서
보면 큰 차이는 없는 수술법들이여서 흉 또한 비슷한 경과를 보이는 경우가 대부분이였습니다.
기존의 수술법에 의해서 몽고주름의 정도가 심하면 절개선이 커질수 밖에 없어 절개한 흔적 역시 눈에 잘 뜨일수 밖에 없는 한계점이 있었습니다.
또한 앞트임수술후에 보여지는 흉터에 너무 신경을 쓰다보면 흉터는 적지만 몽고주름개선의 효과는 별로 없어 수술 받은 분들의 항의를 종종
받는 경우가 있었습니다.

하지만 매직앞트임은 기존 방법과 달리 몽고주름에 대한 해부학을 새로운 각도에서 분석하여 피부를 잘라내지 않고 내부의 밴드를 풀어준 후에
피부 스스로 자연스럽게 재배치 되도록 유도하는 새로운 개념의 수술법입니다.
효과면에서 보면 몽고주름의 정도에 따라 눈이 몰려보이는 한도 내에서 2mm정도 눈의 가로길이 확대가 가능하고 눈머리 몽고주름의 제거로
눈머리의 세로 폭도 확대되므로 쌍꺼풀라인이 드러나는 효과와 더불어 실제로 느껴지는 눈매의 변화는 기대이상이라고 할 수 있습니다.
또한 매직앞트임의 가장 큰 장점은 흉터의 비노출입니다.
눈에 띄이지 않는 눈머리쪽의 하안검라인만을 절개한후 내부를 수술하고 피부를 재배치 시키므로 수술후 생기는 흉터 노출에 대한 문제를
해결하였습니다. 기존의 피부를 잘라낸 후에 당겨서 봉합하는 방식이 아닌 피부를 잘라내는 것이 아니라 피부를 재배치시켜 원하는 눈모양을
얻게되므로 살이 당겨진 느낌이 없을뿐만 아니라 봉합된 부위의 긴장이 거의 없어 재발의 우려가 없고 밴드나 흉이 생기지 않는 것입니다.
즉, 피부를 절개하는 수술시 봉합 부위가 표시나는 것은 의학적으로 필연적인것이지만 부위와 피부의 긴장을 최대한 고려함으로써 흉터에 대한
문제를 해결 한것입니다.

수년전에 다른 병원에서 쌍꺼풀수술을 했지만 눈머리를 많이 가리고 있어 답답한 눈매를 보이고 있습니다.
매직앞트임으로 몽고주름을 개선하였으며 쌍꺼풀앞머리가 가려져 있어 1-2포인트만 교정하는 앞라인교정술로 보다 시원하고
또렷한 눈매가 되었습니다.

과거에 타원에서 쌍꺼풀수술을 했지만 답답한 인라인쌍꺼풀과 매서운 눈매를 보이고 있습니다.
몽고주름을 개선하기 위해서 매직앞트임을 시술하였고 올라간 눈꼬리경사도를 수평으로 개선하기 위하여 뒤트임도 적용하였습니다.
가려진 눈동자 노출을 최대로 하기 위해서 눈매교정을 포함한 쌍꺼풀재수술로 눈동자의 세로노출량이 증가하면서 보다 또렷하고
밝은 눈매를 보이고 있습니다.

사진상 좌측눈의 몽고주름이 더 강하여 더 답답해 보이는 경우입니다.
위의 경우처럼 강하게 아래로 끌려 내려오는 몽고주름이 앞트임수술시 가장 난이도가 높은 경우입니다.
눈머리 주위에 걸리 간장을 넓게 풀어주여야 할뿐 아니라 강한 섬유성 밴드를 모두 풀어주여야 눈머리 방향이 원래의 수평방향으로
부드럽게 돌아가게됩니다. 수술전 모습이 위의 눈처럼 보이는 경우에는 내안각 인대의 방향이 심하게 아래로 꺽어진 경우도 있고
경우에 따라서는 내안각 인대를 포함하여 눈머리 내안각을 보다 복잡하게 성형해야하는 경우도 있습니다.
위 경우는 매직앞트임으로 몽고주름을 개선하였으며 쌍꺼풀수술로 눈동자의 세로 노출량이 증가하면서 전체적으로 부드럽고
또렷한 눈매로 변화하였습니다.

수년전에 다른 병원에서 쌍꺼풀수술을 했지만 눈머리를 많이 가리고 있어 답답한 눈매를 보이고 있습니다.
매직앞트임으로 몽고주름을 개선하였으며 쌍꺼풀앞머리가 가려져 있어 1-2포인트만 교정하는 앞라인교정술로 보다 시원하고
또렷한 눈매가 되었습니다.

What is non-incisional ptosis correction?

VividEye surgery - Functional and structural non-incisional double eyelid surgery with ptosis correction ? This new ptosis correction procedure was introduced in 2010, and just like its name, is performed without using any incisions.

Teuim Plastic Surgery Clinic has developed its own method to supplement double-eyelid surgery with the non-incisional ptosis correction procedure VividEye, which has been especially tuned for Korean or other similar ethnic groups to deliver the most aesthetically pleasing results.

VividEye, non-incisional double eyelid surgery with ptosis correction, bases its procedure with special consideration for the eye-opening power, eye shape and size unique to Korean or other ethnic groups similar to Korean individuals for the following reasons:

1. Caucasion individuals have a natural double eyelid feature because part of their levator muscle is connected to a piece of skin underneath the upper eyelid. Korean people, however, have several characteristics that prevent the formation of a double eyelid crease; the orbicularis muscle behind the upper eyelid skin is too thick, the orbital fat sags too low, or mostly importantly, there is too much tension in their Mongolian folds.

2. The orbicularis muscle surrounding the eye serves an important function of allowing individuals to close their eyelids. Korean people have more prominently developed orbicularis muscles, and have particularly thick fibrous bands in the inner corners of their eyes, creating the Mongolian folds. These folds make it difficult for eyes to open completely and also prevents the formation of double eyelid creases. Furthermore, while double eyelid creases lie along a horizontal vector of the eye, they are counteracted by the tension created by Mongolian folds, causing surgically created double eyelid creases to unravel. Korean people cannot be subject to the same methods of double eyelid surgery used on the caucasian people.

In other words, because the majority of Japanese people and south asian people are considered as Southern Mongoloids with weak tension in their orbicularis muscles, Korean people, catergorized as Northern Mongoloid, cannot be subject to the same surgical methods, because they would experience inconsistent results. Taking into consideration the structural differences between Korean (Asians) and other races, the Teium Plastic Surgery Clinic has modified the surgical method and created VividEye to ensure the best possible results for those undergoing the eye procedure.

Who is eligible for VividEye?

1.Those who are eligible for non-incisional double eyelid surgery, but also suffer from mild ptosis. In the past, all ptosis corrections have required the use of incisions, but VividEye provides both non-incisional double eyelid formation and non-incisional ptosis corrections.

2.Those who have natural double eye lids but drowsy looking eyes.

3.Those who have already undergone double eyelid surgery but wish to increase the vertical size of their eyes

4.Those who want minimal recovery time and a quick return to their normal routines avoiding incision method (The orbital fat was removed via stab incision)

5.Males who wish to increase the vertical size or exposure of their eyes without having heavily defined double eyelid creases.

6.Those who are unsatisfied with a previous incisional ptosis correction.

7.Those who do not want procedural scars, want bigger eyes, minimal or small double eyelids

8.Patient suffered from a severe degree of ptosis. A Magic epicanthoplasty with VividEye can correct these cases.

9.For making paralell (out-fold type) double eyelid, vivid eye surgery is helpful in some cases.

Things you should know

1.In order to avoid complications or unnecessary procedures, we recommend you to first come in and consult with us or send us photos if you are considering or indicated to VividEye 

2.Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes for three to four weeks due to the chance of loosening buried stitches. 

3.Those who have undergone vision or laser eye corrective surgery should wait for about three months before electing to have VividEye.

Frequently Asked Questions


Am I eligible for VividEye if I suffer from a severe case of ptosis?

=>Severe cases of ptosis can be due to congenital reasons or levator dehiscence and can lead to unsatisfactory results from VividEye. This could be different the case of Muller type ptosis, no matter how severe. In any event, we

Is it as simple as non-incisional double eyelid surgery?

=>VividEye is similar, but requires more surgery time as it is a bit more involved. Recovery time however, is similar to conventional non-incisional double eyelid surgery. 

Will VividEye allow me to choose the height of the double eyelid crease?

=>Yes, you can choose where you wish to have your double eyelid crease to be located. 

How much recovery time will I need after VividEye?

=>When undergoing incisional ptosis correction, it takes about two weeks for major surgical swelling to subside. However, you should expect to recover from major swelling in just a week after VividEye. 

Do I need to worry about my double eyelid crease unraveling or becoming loose after surgery?

=>Even incisional double eyelid surgery with ptosis corrections carry some risk of becoming loose or unraveled after surgery, and VividEye has a similar potential. However, corrective or revisional surgeries in those cases are much easier and simpler for VividEye. 

I am a male who is not interested in having the double eyelid crease, and do not want it to be obvious that I have had surgery. What can VividEye do for me?

=>One of the great advantages of VividEye is that it does not have strict requirements for males. Although VividEye cannot avoid the double eyelid crease completely, it can be minimized to be barely visible. 

I have had incisional double eyelid surgery with ptosis correction in the past, but I am unsatisfied with the results. Instead of revisional surgery, should I just elect for VividEye?

=>In the absence of any major scarring or adhesions, we recommend that you come in for a consultation so that we can see what VividEye can do for you. 

Teuim  Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon


Modern meaning of a double eyelid

According to a survey from the human resource team of major companies, people preferred an egg-shaped face with big eyes in both of women and men. According to research, it is said that people who have an attractive face are known to be considered as better workers. Plastic surgery is now not an extravagance, it is actually another way of self-development.

Classification of the double eyelid - In folder& Out folder 

What is in folder, in-out folder, and out folder?

In-folder eyelid 

An in-fold is a shape of a natural double eyelid, which is most general for Koreans in respect of the anatomical structure around the eyes. The eyelid line is started by a slight coverage of the Mongolian fold and looks very thin and natural. If the Mongolian fold is severe, the epicanthoplasty may be needed.

 Examples) Performing only double eyelid surgery on these kinds of eyes renders them have in-folder type eyelids

 Examples) Slight improving of an inner corner opening by Magic epicanthoplasty in severe in-folder type eyelids.

 Examples) Improving of inner corner double eyelid line by Magic epicanthoplasty in severe in-folder type eyelids.

Examples) Structural double eyelid surgery combined with the Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery for parallel type of double eyelid.

Out-folder (parallel type)

An out-folder is an eyelid line that starts from the heads of eyes without touching the inner corner. Westerns mainly have this structure and they have an eye socket structure that’s depressed inside more than their forehead and nose.

In Asians, it can be made only by undertaking proper epicanthoplasty. But it can look unnatural even after proper combined operations because of the structural differences of eyes. When only the double eyelid operation is performed, swelling will be severe and may last for a long time. This will lead to unnatural eyes.

Examples) High and unnatural double eyelid line without the improvement of Mongolian folds

Examples) An out-folder line in an Asian eyes with Mogolian fold looks them unnatural. Magic epicanthiplasty was performed to correct them.


Examples) Structural double eyelid surgery combined with the Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery for parallel type of double eyelid.

Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and reisional double eyelid surgery.

Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and reisional double eyelid surgery.

Examples) double eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty. The proper degree of an out-folder line that can be permitted to Asians in case of minimal epicanthal tension.


An in-out-folder is the middle form of an in-folder and an out-folder. The line starts from the tip of the corner of the eye and is extended beautifully to the end of the eye. It is a very clear and natural look for the Asian eyes and is a line that is preferable by everyone. This line does not look unnatural and only looks splendid and attractive. In most cases, it can be formed only when Magic epicanthoplasty is done together.

 Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and non-incisional double eyelid surgery to make an in-out-folder line.

Examples) Magic epicanthoplasty can change an in-folder to an in-out-folder line.

 Teuim  Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon

The double eyelid

What is double eyelid surgery?

Although the eyelid is very thin, various tissues (skin, muscle, fat, eyelahes, the conjunctiva) are composed in it. The elevator muscles are the ones that help open the eyes and it is usually attached to the eyelid board. The parts of the muscle tissues are attached to the back of the skin of the eyelid and the skin attached is raised, then a double eyelid is made.
For most Westerners, parts of the elevator muscle of the upper eyelid are attached to the back skin, While for Asians, it is not and the natural double eyelid is rare. Typical Asian eyes have no double eyelid, but a small height with strong tension of Mongolian folds. So this makes the eyes look stuffy compared with the eyes of the Westerner’s eyes.
There are three general methods, the complete incision method (incision), partly cutting (partial incision), and cutting for only the needle to enter(buried suture method). From any among them, we must connect a part of the elevator muscle of the upper eyelid to the eyelid. There are merits and demerits respectively and it should be determined by enough consultation through considering the length and size of the eyes, thickness of the skin, power to open eyes, quantity of fat, Mongolian folds and so on. Recently, the complex operation, Magic epicanthoplasty combined with double eyelid surgery, dramatically improves the Mongolian folds and connects the eyelid with the levator muscle of the upper eyelid. This must be the fundamental step for plastic surgery of the eyes. If considering the correlation between the Mongolian fold and the double eyelid, it can make effective and dramatic results. 

Examples) Structural double eyelid surgery combined with the Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery

Anatomical elements when forming a double eyelid

The principles when forming a double eyelid is determined by whether the muscle pulling up eyelid is raised by holding skin at the same time. For Westerners, the muscle raising the eyelid holds the skin and the skin is raised as they open their eyes and forms a double eyelid.

While for Asians, most have no connection between the muscle and the skin and also, the thick fat and the muscle raising the skin is blocked. Therefore, a double eyelid operation creates not only this connection, but also eliminates the Mongolian fold, muscle, or the fat of eyes and finally creates beautiful eyes. 

Structural factors for a beautiful eyelid are needed when :

>The width of the eyes is long and the tails of the eyes are not so pointed upwards.

>The distance between the eyes and eyebrow is not to be short.

>The skin of the eyelid is tense and not hung down.

>The eyelid skin is thin

>Proper amount of fat exists but not too much.

>There’s no severe existence of the Mongolian fold.

>The function of the muscle to open the eyes is normal and the exposure of pupil is good.
>Both eyes are symmetric

>The position of the eyebrow is not hung down and is symmetric.

* In cases where a lot of these conditions are satisfied, the operation can give you very good results without any difficulties. But actually, most of cases are not like that. If you don’t meet any or only a few of these conditions, there may be a chance that undesirable results may be shown.

Functional meaning of a double eyelid in respect of having a field of vision

A single eyelid of Asians is likely to cover a pupil and when it is severe, eyelashes can prickle the pupil and it can cause visual obstructions. And because of this, patients take the forehead lifting actions, but this in fact causes wrinkled forehead to appear. In this case, a double eyelid incision removing parts of an eyelid and forming a double eyelid and extending exposure or pupil, will brighten the patients’ vision.
Therefore, a double eyelid has an important effect to create a better vision as the basic function of the eyes. After the operation the eyes are expressed as more clear and bright.

Examples) An excisional double eyelid surgery has an important effect on providing a better vision (exposure of pupil)

 Examples) Cases showing depressed type of dark circle treated by dual plane fat graft.

 Examples) Forming an inner type of double eyelid and increased exposure of pupil by ptosis correction and a double eyelid surgery. After surgery, the position of eyebrow previously lifted has been brought down significantly.

Examples) Forming an parallel type of double eyelid and increased exposure of pupil by ptosis correction and double eyelid surgery.

Teuims complex enlargement surgery.

If your eyes are small, or if you are a person who wants to extend and enlarge your eyes, a complex operation with the Magic epicanthoplasty, lateral canthoplasty, eye enlargement and an extension of the height of your eyes can help your eyes dramatically.

Examples) Magic epicanthoplasty combined with an excisional double eyelid surgery and lateral canthoplasty

Examples) Magic epicanthoplasty combined with an excisional double eyelid surgery and lateral canthoplasty

 Teuim  Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon



Epicanthoplasty < teuim clinic in Korea >

Dr.kwon's epicanthoplasty

A Mongolian fold, which is a physical characteristic of the Northeast Asian Mongoloid races, is the thick skin that droops down, connecting the upper eyelid with the lower eyelid. Epicanthoplasty is the name of the operation that removes Mongolian folds that cover the inner corner of your eyes, so that your eyes look more opened and become more refined and bigger.

For those who have a wide distance between eyes or has small eyes, or looks severe because of inclination of the inner corner of your eyes by a Mongolian fold, then epicanthoplasty is necessary.

When it is performed with a double eyelid surgery at the same time, the actual horizontal length of eyes can be extended and the interepicanthal distance will also be narrowed. After all, attractive and refined double eyelids will be created by improvement of the Mongolian folds.

Magic epicanthoplasty(Kwon’s method) is a unique method of surgery in removing Mongolian folds, and is the surgery to be first founded by Teuim plastic surgery in 2004.

Unlike conventional methods, Magic epicanthoplasty primarily releases the tension band and leads to the redistribution of the eyelid skin naturally without the removal of the skin while maintaining the original anatomical relationships.
Therefore, it is a completely new technique first made by Dr. Bongsik Kwon. This method is called the Magic epicanthoplasty. With good reports and reputations by people who have already undertaken this, it is becoming a term that is commonly used in Korea and in many other countries.
Also, it is even used among many other surgeons as a term for their operation methods of simulative epicanthoplasties. To perform Magic epicanthoplasty, a surgeon needs plentiful experiences and extreme carefulness to create optimal results. Teuim plastic surgery have more than 10000 cases of magic epicanthoplasty alone or combined double eyelid surgeries.

Magic epicanthoplasty converting negative opinions from         conventional methods

 It can be surely said that when the problem of Mongolian folds are properly solved, the expression of the eyes changes into clear and beautiful looking eyes in many aesthetic aspects.

"I usually hear that I glare at people too much." "My eyes look stuffy even after taking the double eyelid surgery" "People say my eyes look gathered in, but an eye specialist says "I'm not a squint." "I have small eyes but want them to be wider and bigger."

These are probably the main complaints from the people who have severe 'Mongolian folds'. However, many women always have hesitated to take epicanthoplasty because of some supposedly “negative reputations” and permanent scars. When a scar is deep, it cannot be concealed even on top of make-up.

This also can be a serious concern. Also, almost conventional methods of epicanthoplasty have carried prejudice and negative reputations until now. If beautiful double eyelids were achieved with a very minimal scar, no one would hesitate.

Through high satisfaction and reliance by people who already underwent this surgery, the Magic epicanthoplasty has changed recognition of epicanthoplasty positively.

We believe that the Magic epicanthoplasty operated in Teuim plastic surgery can help people who want to have a wide and beautiful expression of eyes.

Examples) scarless magic epicanthoplasty

Magic epicanthoplasty as a new paradigm in double eyelid surgery

It is generally said among plastic surgeons that there is no more difficult surgery than the double eyelid operations. The most difficult problem for a plastic surgeon has been that every eye could not be expressed beautiful under various conditions by only the conventional or pre-existing methods.

Many studies about the Mongolian fold and its solution have not been properly suggested, and the results of the surgeries were mostly determined by confined conditions of eyes themselves. No more than 4-5 years ago, many hospitals did not perform epicanthoplasty and the reason for this was that there was no ideal method to eliminate Mongolian folds aesthetically.

The Mongolian fold is a characteristic of the Northeast Mongoliod races which makes the distance of between eyes looks longer than its actual distance and forms small, stuffy or unfavorable eyes. Good candidates of eyelid surgery are determined by the degree of the Mongolian folds.

An important key is that taking surgery on the eyes without properly managing the Mongolian folds causes unfavorable lines or can be a critical reason for getting your double eyelids to fade away. In fact, most of the problems after double eyelid surgery are caused by the tension of the remaining Mongolian folds.

Considering all things, Mongolian folds have been an important key, but it had not been operated properly because of its scar or undesirable results. Most women say "I want to have beautiful and clear eyes", or "I want to have bigger eyes after surgery" during surgery consultations.

However, a person who has severe Mongolian folds, small eyes and a wide interepicanthal distance, taking only double eyelid surgery itself, can result in a devastating appearance and also a strange feeling by the skin remaining and covering over the epicanthal region. In case of non severe Mongolian folds, the double eyelid surgery alone can possibly make relatively desirable and favorable lines, but only an in-folder type of double eyelid line will appear after all.

If one has severe Mongolian folds, it should be considered that epicanthoplasty creates a clearer and well-defined double eyelid line by exposing the hidden part of the eye when it is performed with double eyelid surgery at the same time.

Now, through the foundation of the Magic epicanthoplasty, it is becoming unnecessary to hesitate when considering an epicanthoplasty, Recently, with the universal utility of epicanthoplasty and Magic epicanthoplasty plus double eyelid operations, these two combined methods tend to be the firm basic concept for the plastic surgery of the eyes.
Considering the relationship of a Mongolian fold and a double eyelid, these combined surgeries can generate a perfect plan and create dramatic results.

Examples) Magic epicanthoplasty combined with a double eyelid surgery in a patient having severe Mongolian folds

The aesthetic effect of the Magic epicanthoplasty

1.The extension of the width of eyes (possible to extend 3mm depending on the Mongolian fold) Through exposure of the corner part of the eyes, the eyes look more clear and prominent.

2.By restoring the intercanthal distance, the impression changes from stuffy images to clear images.

3.The asymmetry of the eyes caused by the difference of the Mongolian fold is improved

4.Exposing white part of eyes in the inner corner of your eyes makes the pupil look like it’s in the middle. This makes the eyes look much more refined (improvement for a condition of pseudostrabismus, pseudoestropia)

5.By removing the epicanthal folds inclined in the inner corner of the eyes, the overall inclination of the eye turned out much more reduced.

6.Reinforcing effect of Magic epicanthoplasty over love-bands(a thickened portion on lower eyelid margin). They become prominent after Magic epicanthoplasty even without any procedure.

7. Epicanthal folds can cause formation of fine wrinkles and pigmentations under the eyes. Magic epicanthoplasty has an effect on these phenomena by releasing tensions at the head of eye region

8.When a double eyelid is accompanied with a epicanthal fold, it shows an in-folder line, because the medial line is faded and covered by the Mongolian fold. After Magic epicanthoplasty, the shapes have changed to in-out- or out-folder types of double eyelid.

9.Unnatural out-folder lines and acutely bended double eyelid lines which were caused by epicanthal folds were improved. 

10.Improvement of eyelash prickling.

11.Improvement for dark circles may be visible. This ancillary effect can be achieved by releasing the tension of a epicanthal fold to a lower lid.

12.A more comfortable eye image is expressed by rotating the inner corner of the eye (eyeline of lower eyelid) horizontally. 

13.Isotropic lacrimal orifice (accessory lacrimal opening) can be removed by Magic epicanthoplasty 

After Magic epicanthoplasty, wouldn’t I really have to worry about a remaining scar? Do I have to take care of it?

Most people generally worry about a remainder of a scar. Conventional surgeries may leave you with a scar after the removal of severe Mongolian folds. In that case, a deep scar may remain and there is a chance that it will not disappear quickly.

On the other hand, in case of our Magic epicanthoplasty, the surgical incision is situated in a hidden place and is not visible. Of course it can’t be 100% assured that no scar will be left at all because this is an operation requiring surgical incision. However, it can be insisted that there is hardly social stress from patients by a severe scar. If there is a scar, it will be close to being invisible after 2 to 3 months. The slight scars may be covered by make-up of glasses frames, but there’s no need to worry about them because they do not last too long.

If a scar still remains after the surgery undertaken previously from another clinic, a steroid injection or a laser treatment is performed for easing the scar. And medicines should be taken if the case is severe. But when one takes the original magic epicanthoplasty from Teuim plastic surgery, there would be no additional treatment procedure and no mental stress from a scar. 

dr.kwon teuim clinic  http://english.teuimps.co.kr