Modern meaning of a double eyelid

According to a survey from the human resource team of major companies, people preferred an egg-shaped face with big eyes in both of women and men. According to research, it is said that people who have an attractive face are known to be considered as better workers. Plastic surgery is now not an extravagance, it is actually another way of self-development.

Classification of the double eyelid - In folder& Out folder 

What is in folder, in-out folder, and out folder?

In-folder eyelid 

An in-fold is a shape of a natural double eyelid, which is most general for Koreans in respect of the anatomical structure around the eyes. The eyelid line is started by a slight coverage of the Mongolian fold and looks very thin and natural. If the Mongolian fold is severe, the epicanthoplasty may be needed.

 Examples) Performing only double eyelid surgery on these kinds of eyes renders them have in-folder type eyelids

 Examples) Slight improving of an inner corner opening by Magic epicanthoplasty in severe in-folder type eyelids.

 Examples) Improving of inner corner double eyelid line by Magic epicanthoplasty in severe in-folder type eyelids.

Examples) Structural double eyelid surgery combined with the Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery for parallel type of double eyelid.

Out-folder (parallel type)

An out-folder is an eyelid line that starts from the heads of eyes without touching the inner corner. Westerns mainly have this structure and they have an eye socket structure that’s depressed inside more than their forehead and nose.

In Asians, it can be made only by undertaking proper epicanthoplasty. But it can look unnatural even after proper combined operations because of the structural differences of eyes. When only the double eyelid operation is performed, swelling will be severe and may last for a long time. This will lead to unnatural eyes.

Examples) High and unnatural double eyelid line without the improvement of Mongolian folds

Examples) An out-folder line in an Asian eyes with Mogolian fold looks them unnatural. Magic epicanthiplasty was performed to correct them.


Examples) Structural double eyelid surgery combined with the Magic epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery for parallel type of double eyelid.

Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and reisional double eyelid surgery.

Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and reisional double eyelid surgery.

Examples) double eyelid surgery without epicanthoplasty. The proper degree of an out-folder line that can be permitted to Asians in case of minimal epicanthal tension.


An in-out-folder is the middle form of an in-folder and an out-folder. The line starts from the tip of the corner of the eye and is extended beautifully to the end of the eye. It is a very clear and natural look for the Asian eyes and is a line that is preferable by everyone. This line does not look unnatural and only looks splendid and attractive. In most cases, it can be formed only when Magic epicanthoplasty is done together.

 Examples) Combination of Magic epicanthoplasty and non-incisional double eyelid surgery to make an in-out-folder line.

Examples) Magic epicanthoplasty can change an in-folder to an in-out-folder line.

 Teuim  Aesthetic plastic surgical clinic - Dr.Kwon

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