Revisional Double Eyelid Surgery - teuim clinic dr.kwon

1.Understanding the revisional double eyelid surgery

Examples) A case where both a revisional double eyelid surgery , lateral canthoplasty and the Magic epicanthoplasty are done to make them refined and structurally harmonized.

The revisional eyelid surgery is the most common revision surgery . As other common plastic surgeries, it is taken because of the unsatisfied outcome of the patient. So, the first surgery has to be done very prudently. And when considering a reoperation, the eyes have to be treated exceptionally carefully. And enough consultations should be taken. Depending on the type of surgery, the surgical methods and the recovery conditions differ. the surgical methods and the recovery conditions differ.
2.Classifications for the reoperation of the double eyelid 

There are two reasons people having their double eyelids reoperated. 1) When the patient may not be satisfied with his/her look, a subjective matter. 2) When it is needed to take the reoperation from an objective point of view. 

Awkward looking eyes

Awkward and unnatural eyes give a feeling of huge discomfort. This usually is caused by very poor surgical techniques and ignoring the anatomical structure of the patients’ eyes. It needs to be corrected, and the remaining Mongolian fold is mainly the other critical reason for it. The Magic epicanthoplasty with a double eyelid reoperation may be needed at the same time.

Examples) A case where only the Magic epicanthoplasty is done on the awkward looking out-folder line to make them refined especially in inner corner region.

Examples) A case where a revisional double eyelid surgery is done to make them refined especially inner corner region.

Examples) A case where both a revisional double eyelid surgery and the Magic epicanthoplasty are done to make them refined and structurally harmonized.

3.Eyelids that are too close to the edge (small width of double eyelid).

An eyelid that is too close to the edge of your eye’s skin can be corrected with surgery. In this case, an incision(including excision of skin) is necessary. When the epicanthal fold is severe and a double eyelid is buried into the skin, a complex operation is needed. After fixing the epicanthal fold, more clear lines can be seen. 

4.Loosened and faded lines

Eyelids are likely to fade whenever possible. However, this can be fixed properly. Ordinary surgeons may think of correcting this problem only by tying the sutures firmly. However, this may result unsuccessfully. There are many reasons for it, but the two main reasons are:
First, when the double eyelid line is weak, correction for it is needed into a more strong fixing method. Second, the Mongolian fold can be another critical reason. It is because of the Mongolian fold that hides the lines or weakening of the levator muscle, so the eyes look a little closed even though they are fully opened. By knowing these reasons and correcting it, proper lines can be maintained. 

Examples) A case where the double eyelids get loose after operation

Examples) Process of a double eyelid getting loose

Examples) Results after the correction of faded lines. Magic epicanthoplasty combined with an revisional double eyelid surgery

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